The film tells the story of an unnamed loner character who breaks into different homes and then proceeds to clean the place and do the laundry. He never steals anything in fact he repairs broken appliances and electronics and only leaves the place with few pictures on his handy dandy digital camera . This character never speaks a single line of dialogue throughout the entire film. The character is played by Hyun-Kyoon Lee with all the charm of a classic silent film star. Eventually he enters the home of a abused young housewife who joins him in his little illegal vacations. Thus begins one of cinema's most unique screen romances.
That's all I'll say about the plot of the film because I don't like to give away much of anything past act I. This is in no way a film for average cinema goers, it does not follow any standard movie conventions.. It's the kind of film your co-workers would refer to as weird and ask you why you watch that sort of thing. But hey that doesn't mean you shouldn't love every second of it.
I think this film is cinema in the purest sense of the word. Kim Ki Duk lets imagery take over as the dialogue of this film and builds character and romance without a sound. There is dialogue in the film spoken by other characters including the housewives lecherous jealous husband. This dialogue functions as exposition and gives us the background and history for the main wife character. I think that this film deserves comparison to Stanley Kubrick's Space Odyssey 2001. Not that film's have a surface similarities, but that they are two films that are completely unique, hard to review, and give a you a special feeling when the credits start to roll.
5/5 "I loved it"
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