Paul Schrader's Hardcore is George C. Scott as a old time religioney father searching for his daughter caught up in the LA porn underground. Its directed by Schrader therefore its got some really stylish scenes and tight characterizations. The high point for me was an enraged George C. Scott brawling with a lowlife through a thinly divided porn dungeon, smashing through walls all the way out onto the steep san francisco streets. Schrader lets the camera glide down the hills as Scott tosses this guy around screaming at him, it's fantastic. Schraders masterful camera movement is always a joy and George C. Scotts is always at the top of his game. A great piece of cinema.

The Vikings is a late 50's epic filled with some cheesyness(to many people looking up and yelling ODIIIINNNNNN!!!!!)but a decent story over all. Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis are half brother vikings who both want to get with Janet Leigh the princess of wales etc etc vikings. The concluding fight scene high in a castle tower is classic, it shows how much shooting a cool place can make a decent scene and amazing one.
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