Saturday, July 26, 2008

Peter Bogdanovich's Targets. I thought the only great film Bogdanovich made was The Last Picture Show.I was wrong. Targets is a meta as hell film about the boogey men of yesteryear and the Norman Bates esque newschool monster. Midway through Boris Karloff owns you with a story about Death personified and a man he bumps into at the market. Just when you think Karloff is speaking(and looking) directly at you Bogdanovich shifts the shot and you are back into the world of the film. I can't imagine how unsettled people were watching this picture drive-in's back in the day. A great flick and a perfect last picture for Boris Karloff.


Thursday, July 24, 2008

Aronofsky to direct Robocop for release sometime in 2010. 

Im into this

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Kurosawa's Red Beard, a stylish fully developed tale of the ugliness of life and those who fight for the needs of others. Every decent man dreams of growing up and being just like Mifune in this movie. A must watch.


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

I'm Left speechless.

Things like this convince me I'm never going to see everything japan has to offer.